Package-level declarations
Returns whether the file message is a file, checked by the UikitFileMessage.type. Anything other than an image or a video is considered as a file.
Returns whether the file message is an image, checked by the UikitFileMessage.type. 'svg' type is not considered as an image.
Returns whether the file message is a video, checked by the UikitFileMessage.type.
Returns the cache key for the original image.
Returns the cache key for the thumbnail image.
Returns the annotated nickname of the user. If the user is the current user, it appends the "You" badge to the nickname.
Returns the cover models for the group channel.
Returns the display message for the file message.
Returns the last message's display message to be shown in the channel list.
Returns the display text for the user message with the edited badge if the message has been edited.
Returns the icon for the file message which are not images or videos.
Returns the file name for the file message or the default file name if the message is empty.
Checks if the last message receipt icon is visible. It is only visible if the channel is not a super group channel and the last message is not mine.
Returns the channel's last message's created date time, or the channel's created date time if there is no last message.
Returns the message grouping position based on the previous and next messages. If the message is not sent successfully, it returns MessageGroupingPosition.Single. If the message is the head of the group, it returns MessageGroupingPosition.Head. If the message is the tail of the group, it returns MessageGroupingPosition.Tail. If the message is the only message in the group, it returns MessageGroupingPosition.Single.
Returns the nickname of the sender or the unknown text if the sender is null.
Returns the original MediaInfo for the file message.
Returns the profile url of the sender or an empty string if the sender is null.
Returns the sent time of the message in date time format.
Returns the thumbnail MediaInfo for the file message.
Returns the timeline date for the timeline message.
Returns the title for the group channel. If the channel name is a default value, it returns the list of member nicknames.
Converts the list of UikitUser to a string for the typing indicator.
Returns the MessageType based on the message.
Returns the text for the unknown message type.
Returns the unread count for the group channel. If the unread message count is greater than 99, it returns the maximum unread count text.
Returns the nickname of the user or the unknown text if the nickname is empty.