interface PinnedMessageListQueryParams {
    includeMetaArray?: boolean;
    includeParentMessageInfo?: boolean;
    includePollDetails?: boolean;
    includeReactions?: boolean;
    includeThreadInfo?: boolean;
    limit?: number;


  • BaseListQueryParams
    • PinnedMessageListQueryParams


includeMetaArray?: boolean

Whether the meta arrays should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeParentMessageInfo?: boolean

Whether the information of a parent message should be included in the reply messages included in the results.

includePollDetails?: boolean

Whether the poll details should be included in the results.

includeReactions?: boolean

Whether the reaction data should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

includeThreadInfo?: boolean

Whether the thread information should be included in the results. If the value is null, it follows the default value.

limit?: number

The maximum number of data per queried page.