
open class EmojiReactionUserListAdapter : BaseAdapter<T, VH>

EmojiReactionUserListAdapter provides a binding from a User set to views that are displayed within a RecyclerView. since 1.1.0


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Constructor since 1.1.
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open fun EmojiReactionUserListAdapter(@NonNull userList: List<User>)


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open fun getItem(position: Int): User
Returns the User in the data set held by the adapter.
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open fun getItemCount(): Int
Returns the total number of items in the data set held by the adapter.
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open fun getItems(): List<User>
Returns the < in the data set held by the adapter.
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open fun onBindViewHolder(@NonNull holder: BaseViewHolder<User>, position: Int)
Called by RecyclerView to display the data at the specified position.
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open fun onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): BaseViewHolder<User>
Called when RecyclerView needs a new EmojiReactionUserViewHolder of the given type to represent an item.
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open fun setItems(@NonNull userList: List<User>)
Sets the < to be displayed.
open fun setOnEmojiReactionUserListProfileClickListener(@Nullable emojiReactionUserListProfileClickListener: OnItemClickListener<User>)