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open class Params
A collection of parameters, which can be applied to a default View.


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open fun animateMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Animates the message on the message list.
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Returns the recycler view used in the list component by default.
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Returns the view created by onCreateView.
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protected open fun getTooltipMessage(@NonNull context: Context, count: Int): String
Returns the text on the tooltip.
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open fun moveToFocusedMessage(viewPoint: Long, @Nullable shouldAnimateMessage: BaseMessage)
Moves the screen to the focused message, based on the created timestamp of message.
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open fun notifyChannelChanged(@NonNull channel: GroupChannel)
Handles a new channel when data has changed.
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open fun notifyDataSetChanged(@NonNull messageList: List<BaseMessage>, @NonNull channel: GroupChannel, @Nullable callback: OnMessageListUpdateHandler)
Handles the data needed to draw the message list has changed.
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open fun notifyMessagesFilled(scrollToFirstIfPossible: Boolean)
After the messages are updated, calculate the current position and re-calculate the position of the scroll.
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open fun notifyOtherMessageReceived(showTooltipIfPossible: Boolean)
After receiving the message from another user, handle the necessary tasks at this component.
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open fun notifyTypingIndicatorUpdated(scrollToFirstIfPossible: Boolean)
After updating the typing indicator, determines whether to scroll to the bottom.
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @NonNull parent: ViewGroup, @Nullable args: Bundle): View
Called after the component was created to make views.
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protected open fun onEmojiReactionClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull reactionKey: String)
Called when the emoji reaction of the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onEmojiReactionLongClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull reactionKey: String)
Called when the emoji reaction of the message is long-clicked.
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protected open fun onEmojiReactionMoreButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the button to see more emojis on the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onFeedbackRatingClicked(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull rating: FeedbackRating)
Called when the feedback rating of the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the item of the message list is clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageLongClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the item of the message list is long-clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageMentionClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull user: User)
Called when the mentioned user of the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageProfileClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the profile view of the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageProfileLongClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the profile view of the message is long-clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageTooltipClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the tooltip view is clicked.
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protected open fun onScrollBottomButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the button to scroll to the bottom is clicked.
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protected open fun onScrollFirstButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View): Boolean
Called when the button to scroll to the first position is clicked.
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open fun scrollToBottom()
Scrolls to the bottom of the message list.
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open fun scrollToFirst()
Scrolls to the first position of the recycler view.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the emoji reaction of the message is clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the emoji reaction of the message is long-clicked.
open fun setOnEmojiReactionMoreButtonClickListener(@Nullable emojiReactionMoreButtonClickListener: OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the button to see more emojis on the message is clicked.
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open fun setOnFeedbackRatingClickListener(@Nullable feedbackRatingClickListener: OnFeedbackRatingClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the feedback rating of the message is clicked.
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open fun setOnMessageClickListener(@Nullable messageClickListener: OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the message is clicked.
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open fun setOnMessageLongClickListener(@Nullable messageLongClickListener: OnItemLongClickListener<BaseMessage>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the message is long-clicked.
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open fun setOnMessageMentionClickListener(@Nullable messageMentionClickListener: OnItemClickListener<User>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the mentioned user of the message is clicked.
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open fun setOnMessageProfileClickListener(@Nullable messageProfileClickListener: OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the profile view of the message is clicked.
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open fun setOnMessageProfileLongClickListener(@Nullable messageProfileLongClickListener: OnItemLongClickListener<BaseMessage>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the profile view of the message is long-clicked.
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open fun setOnScrollBottomButtonClickListener(@Nullable scrollBottomButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the button to scroll to the bottom is clicked.
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open fun setOnScrollFirstButtonClickListener(@Nullable scrollFirstButtonClickListener: OnConsumableClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the button to scroll to the first position is clicked.
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open fun setOnTooltipClickListener(@Nullable tooltipClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the tooltip view is clicked.
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open fun setPagedDataLoader(@NonNull pagedDataLoader: OnPagedDataLoader<List<BaseMessage>>)
Sets the paged data loader for message list.


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open var adapter: LA
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