Chat UIKit SwiftUI v3
Chat UIKit SwiftUI
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Install Sendbird Chat SwiftUI

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You can install Sendbird Chat SwiftUI through either Swift Packages or CocoaPods.

Swift Packages

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  1. In Xcode, select File > Add Packages Dependencies....

  2. Add SendbirdSwiftUI into your Package Repository as below:

  1. Swift Package Manager automatically sets the dependency rule to "Up To Next Major" and installs the latest version. Adjust the dependency rule and version according to your needs. You can check out the latest Sendbird Chat SwiftUI version on Sendbird Chat SwiftUI releases.

  2. Select your project name under Add to Target and finish adding package.

Note: A build error may occur while using Swift packages with Xcode due to issues with caching. To resolve this error, try resetting the Xcode package caches. Open the File menu, go to Packages, and select Reset Package Caches. This deletes all local package data and re-downloads each package from its online source.


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  1. Add SendBirdSwiftUI into your Podfile in Xcode as below:
platform :ios, '15.0'

    pod 'SendbirdSwiftUI' # Add this line.
  1. Install the SendbirdSwiftUI framework through CocoaPods.
pod install
  1. Update the SendbirdSwiftUI framework through CocoaPods.
pod update